
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quick & Sweaty Beginner's Intervals

Lately my workouts have been pretty typical. A run, a circuit, some weight lifting, maybe a P90X video here or there. Today some Sunday morning boredom set in, and I wanted to mix up my treadmill run a bit. After digging through my old workout folder, I decided an intervals workout was in order, but I hadn't done one in a while so didn't want to go too crazy. I put together a new rundown, which was a good mix of fast/slow, ups/downs but not too high intensity for getting back into intervals, and thought I'd share in case any of you are looking for a new routine as well.

If you've never tried intervals before and want to give them a go, this one's for you!

Feel free to change up the speeds or inclines however works best for you. This was good for me on a weekend morning after having done just medium-paced jogs for the last few weeks. Got me nice and sweaty! I followed it up with an abs & legs routine in the weight room.

By the way, if you're looking for a new playlist to run by, the "Helena Beat" Pandora station is my new addiction. I'm in a huge alternative phase right now (anyone want to come to a Foster The People concert with me??), so I love, love this station and its mix of beats. It's a great one for intervals because it alternates between fast and slower songs.

Time to tackle the Sunday to-do list!

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