
Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend Fun

This weekend went by in a total blur. When I woke up this morning it felt like it should be Saturday, not Monday. :/ Oh well, another work week begins!

Saturday was meant to be a day of crossing things of the to-do list, but everyone in the house was feeling under the weather and a bit grumpy, so Matt decided we all needed to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

So pumpkin picking we went! We headed out to Emery's Farm, which is the same place I get my organic blueberries for homemade blueberry jam. The place was hopping, and we made sure to take part in all the activities, starting with the corn maze.

And picking out our pumpkins, of course. Two big ones for me, one little one for Riker.

Every time I took his pumpkin away so he'd stop chewing on the stem, the kid threw a temper tantrum. Guess he likes his pumpkins!

Not as much as Matt loves his pies. Every time we come to Emery's Matt insists on getting a pie, because they really are the best. And he can't wait until he gets home - he literally takes a plastic spoon out and eats it right from the box in the parking lot. 

I'm not much into the pie thing, and I'm really not into the donut thing either, but every year I have to have one apple cider donut. It's really a must.

So good! I hope the powdered sugar is distracting you from the terribly grown out nail polish on my thumb. Gah!

When we returned home, unfortunately our sick bug returned and I lost all energy for cooking or anything else. I honestly think exhaustion got the best of me and made me sick...for the last few weeks I've been working really late each night and on the go constantly, and maybe getting sick is your body's way of saying, Stop! Take a break! Get some rest! I gladly obliged. :) It ended up being cups of soup and to bed at 8:00 for this little family. 


I still felt under the weather most of the day on Sunday, so I ended up laying around most of the day trying to rest up, since we had big plans for Sunday night. Late Sunday afternoon, Matt and I headed up to north Jersey for my cousin Chris' wedding night.

The wedding was beautiful. During cocktail hour I snacked on some sushi, calamari and other goodies, but dinner was really delicious. We started with a deconstructed fall salad with poached pears, walnuts and goat cheese.

For my entree, I selected the broiled cod and crab in an Asian glaze with mashed potatoes and patty pan squashes. Love those!

I love details at weddings, and all the little touches were really pretty.

I really loved the flowers. And the cake.

We weren't able to stay too late since Matt and I both had to work this morning, but we had a great time with family while we were there.

Congrats Chris and Christina!

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