
Monday, October 8, 2012


The rest of my Vermont weekend was nice and relaxing and filled with family time. Saturday night my grandma and my mom's cousin Beth came over for dinner, whom I haven't seen in 15 years. She was visiting from Minneapolis, and it was so nice to see her and get to know her as an adult - the last time I saw her I was just going into high school!

While we chatted and cooked dinner, we sipped on red wine and nibbled on some local cheeses, crackers and fruit. My favorite snack ever.

We made a simple dinner of home cooked bean soup and a big salad with veggies, goat cheese, roasted beets, and walnuts, which was perfect for a chilly fall night after being out all day.


Yesterday morning my sister and I headed out to meet my dad and his girlfriend for breakfast. We loved our lunch at Positive Pie so much the day before, that we suggested going there for breakfast as well. We weren't disappointed!

Amanda and I split two items since we couldn't decide what we wanted. The "green eggs & ham" was amazing (ham on the side so Amanda could eat it :) - it was filled with an arugula garlic pesto that was herby and salty. We also split a breakfast sandwich with pesto goat cheese and roasted tomatoes on homemade multigrain bread. So good! Amanda loved the bacon they put on the side since it was local, thick cut and cured in-house.

Love this place!

After breakfast we did a little shopping (organic pumpkin beer, curried cashews and coconut oil being the favorite purchases of the day), we spent the rest of the day hanging out at with mom and grandma playing card games and watching football. I told you I'm an old lady when I go home. :)

Lunch was actually a repeat of Saturday night's dinner, but our evening meal was a typical Vermont fall  dinner: locally grown corn, homemade applesauce (warm!), glazed carrots and baked chicken. Shrimp for me, of course.

Then it was an early bed time since today we made the long trip back to the Jerz. It was a wonderful weekend and I was sad to leave my family, but it always feels good to be back in my own bed. And thankfully, this time around I only have to wait one week before we're reunited again at my cousin's wedding next weekend. A short goodbye for once!

Headed to bed to rest up for a super busy work week. Hope you had a great Columbus Day!

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