
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bakery Bike Ride

Morning, friends! It's the weekend again, finally! Last night the weekend started off with dinner and drinks at our friends' Chris & Karla's house, and play date for Riker with their little boy Evan. We had a great time, but it was a bit of a late night and I woke up this morning feeling tired and unmotivated to work out. We had planned to go for a bike ride this morning to get in some outdoor exercise, though, so we put some breakfast together and got moving as soon as Riker woke up.

Matt made us fried egg white sandwiches on whole wheat English muffins with Laughing Cow light cheese. Delish! I also had a glass of apple cider on the side. It's the only juice I ever drink - love the stuff.

After breakfast we took a 20-minute drive to Allaire State Park to ride along the bike path. It's beautiful there.

It was a sunny, warm morning so we saw lots of creatures out and about. Pheasants...


And Riker's favorite of the day...caterpillars!

We completed a 12 mile loop and worked up a nice sweat before calling it a day. I always love taking long bike rides with Matt; we get so little time to just sit and talk, and when we bike ride together we end up having long discussions that have nothing to do with work, daycare, bills, or chores. It's great "us" time and we always feel refreshed afterward.

The park we biked in has a really cute old historic village at the center, so after we finished our ride we decided to take a walk through the village and visit some of the old buildings. 

There's a working railroad as well as a blacksmith, a leather worker, and most importantly, a bakery.

After seeing the sign for freshly baked bread and goodies, we couldn't pass it up. Something about buying a homemade roll or scone from a tiny, historic bakery on a fall day was just too nostalgic to decline.

We shared a freshly baked piece of apple cake and cup of hot coffee. Perfect post-bike ride snack. :) We also picked up some cookies for later on tonight.

It was such a nice morning with my little family. Now we're off to spend the afternoon car shopping, which I'm both excited for and dreading at the same time. Enjoy your Saturday!

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