
Monday, September 24, 2012

Celebrating a Milestone

Yesterday our family celebrated a most amazing milestone...MomMom's 90th birthday!

MomMom is one of the sweetest people I've ever met and I feel so blessed to have inherited her as part of my family when I married Matt. She's always treated me as one of her own grandkids and I've grown to love her dearly.

Having lived for 90 years, she has so seen things in this world. She remembers getting her first telephone and having to dial a switchboard operator to make a call; she remembers stopping at the corner store on the way home from school to buy potato chips for 5 cents, which were scooped out of a huge sack and into a little paper bag for each kid; when she had her babies, men weren't allowed in the maternity ward (imagine!); she used to make homemade ketchup and chili sauce before they were bottled and sold in the store; she worked for one month during World War II, and has never once driven a car. I love listening to her stories about what life was like when she was growing up, and how things have changed.

In recognition of MomMom's 9 decades, Matt's whole family got together on Sunday for a day of celebration. Most of the family went to church with her in the morning - a wish of hers - but I met up with everyone at 12:30 for lunch at Bonefish Grill.

Bonefish makes a mean Bloody Mary for Sunday brunch, complete with fresh tomatoes and blue cheese-stuffed olives. I had to have one, but ended up only drinking half before relinquishing the rest of my drink to Matt.

We ordered a few appetizers for the table to share, and I had a little bit of everything - bread with basil pesto, bang bang shrimp and Ahi sesame tuna.

Matt and I split a side salad before our entrees came as well. It included pumpkin seeds and hearts of palm, which was a nice spin on the traditional house salad.

For lunch, I ordered the grilled Chilean sea bass, which is one of my favorite fishes. It came with an Asian sauce, garlic mashed potatoes and corn succotash. I only ate a few bites of potato and gave the rest to Matt and Riker, but they were delicious. I like that Bonefish offers half-orders of all dishes, especially for lunch! It makes portion control much easier.

After lunch we all headed back to Matt's parents' house to relax in the afternoon sunshine, play a little whiffle ball and look at the giant spiders weaving webs near the house. 

I'm not squeamish about bugs, but those spiders gave me the shivers, creeeepy!

By the time the late afternoon football games came on, we were of course all hungry again, so nibbled on small sandwiches and salads before the finale - Dairy Queen ice cream cake and presents.

We love you MomMom!

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