
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Change of Plans

Our last few days in Maine were filled with sunshine and more great food - no surprise there! :)

On Thursday we had planned to take a drive up to Camden to check out the scenic town and its mountainy roads and big cliffs. After a Kashi and banana breakfast at home, we hopped in the car and headed north. It turned out to be a longer drive than we expected, and by the time we got there neither Matt nor I were in the mood for spending the day in town, and a new idea jumped into my head - whale watching! I immediately made a reservation for the next boat out and we turned around to head back to Boothbay Harbor literally one mile before we got to Camden. We didn't even see the town!

Oh well, it was worth it for the day we ended up having. And the drive wasn't a total loss; on our way back, Matt spotted a bread bakery that boasted "great sandwiches," so we grabbed some to eat for lunch during the drive.

I ordered a veggie sandwich with lettuce, green peppers, tomatoes, homemade pickles and local goat cheese on peasant bread. It was fantastic!

We got to Boothbay with only 10 minutes to spare before our boat was leaving the dock. It was a close one! It was a gorgeous day and so nice to be out on the water all afternoon.

We saw seals, porpoises and quite a few minke and fin whales once we were out at sea. The fin whales were huge and it was awesome to see them spout water and arch their huge bodies to take deep dives. Being silly whales, they surfaced and dove all over the place and I never knew where they would be, so my picture-snapping skills were not up to par. This is all the proof I've got that we saw the giant creatures:

A whole lotta water! :)

Dinnertime should come as no surprise...

I've seriously turned into a lobster fiend. It's all I've wanted Thank goodness it's good for ya! :) We headed to Pemaquid Fisherman's Coop for dinner, which is another seafood shack on a small harbor with amazing food and views. By Thursday night I was no longer interested in side dishes - no clams, potatoes, roasted onions or rolls. Just two big 'ol lobsters and an ear of corn, please. Matt had no problem taking the steamers off my hands. :)

We were confused when we saw group after group dragging in coolers filled with salads, appetizers and wine, and then the other guests we were chatting with (P.S., the locals were super hospitable and talked to us everywhere we went, love that!) told us that these fisherman coops are really local picnic spots - everyone comes to hang out and order lobsters or clams, etc. but they bring snacks, side dishes and vegetables since the restaurants themselves really only sell seafood. Good to know for next time!

We ended the evening with double scoops from the local ice cream shop. 

I ordered the Moose Tracks, which was espresso ice cream with fudge swirls and chocolate cookies. Delish! We stashed our cups in the freezer until Riker went to bed, then ate them out on the deck while watching the moonlight over the harbor and reading our books.

Yes, we are 80 years old. :)

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