
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Wine Week

Another end to a busy week! Things have been a whirlwind again this week with Matt still crutching around and our little guy teething big time, so I was one happy girl when Thursday night rolled around. I'm working from home on Fridays now, so Thursday nights mean I get to stay up a little later and enjoy not waking up at 5 AM the next morning. I'll take it! Here's a little of what's been goin' on around here the last few days...

Summer Thursdays = happy hour at the Baratta bar. :) I kept dinner simple with homemade guacamole and glasses of red wine. Matt's friend Terry brought us this bottle of Oyster Bay zinfandel when he came for Matt's birthday party last week, and it was fantastic.

After I finished up work yesterday, Matt and I decided to get out of the house for a while before the sun went down. We headed over to the beach, where we accidentally stumbled upon one of our favorite ice cream spots, Charlie's. Dessert before dinner? Eh why not. ;-)

Charlie's has the absolute best pistachio ice cream ever. My small cup came with two scoops, so I went with one scoop of pistachio and one of almond joy. So good!

I can't wait until Riker is old enough to eat ice cream and get it smooshed all over his face. :)

Dinner was a simple pasta bowl with rigatoni, veggie Italian "sausages", peppers and onions. Pasta has been my savior dinner this week - fast and easy!

Today we spent most of the day running errands and doing some shopping before picking up MomMom to come spend the night with us at our house. It felt like a wine & cheese kind of night, so I put together a quite un-fancy plate of cheddar slices, olives, hummus and Kashi crackers to nibble on while I made dinner.

We devoured everything before I could snap a pic. Whoops! For drinks, I picked out the new Naked Grape moscato since MomMom likes sweet white wines (and those commercials with the naked grapes crack me up - anyone else seen them?), and we also had a Pennywise cabernet sauvignon from Napa. Both were great.

With full bellies (pasta again!), we're curling up on the couch with our wine to watch Sideways. That movie never gets old, especially with MomMom watching with us. Her laughter is contagious, I love it!

Have a great night!

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