
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weeknight Birthday

Well it's official. I can no longer say I'm in my 20s! Years ago I thought I might be a little sad when I reached this milestone, but I can honestly say I'm not sad at all. I embraced the day with arms wide open! I have a lot of thoughts I want to share on the topic, but I'll save that for a later post.

We had good intentions of having a fun dinner last night in honor of my big day, but when I rolled in the front door at 8:30 PM, I was exhausted and had inklings of a sickness coming on, and Matt was tired from taking care of a sick baby all day (poor little guy is sick for the first time with an ear infection, congestion and a fever...his sad little sick cry tugs at my heart strings!). Needless to say, all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch in my sweats and eat carbs and butter. Bring on the pasta and garlic bread!

We each had a small plate of cheese ravioli with butter, parmesan cheese and salt & pepper. I really wanted garlic bread, but all we had in the freezer was potato rolls, so we had to be resourceful. I feel like the queen of excuses this past week when it comes to eating high cal foods, but hey, it's my birthday week. I don't let slip-ups bother me because I just jump back on the horse the next day.

We also split a Heady Topper IPA, since no birthday is really complete without a little cheers action.

I actually ended up giving a few of my ravioli and half my garlic bread to Matt since I wanted to save room for dessert...

A Crumbs cupcake! My office bought me the cupcake for a work birthday celebration, but I brought it home to share with Matt. We are both suckers for the chocolate-peanut butter cup flavor.

While we were eating our cupcake, Matt gave me some birthday gifts, all of which were amazing as usual. He's a great gift-giver. One that I'm really excited about, though is tickets to see one of my favorite comedians next month - Jim Gaffigan! I was jumping out of my seat when he gave me the tickets. Can't wait to go see the show and laugh my butt off. ;-)

We have plans to celebrate with our friends and family again this weekend, but last night was a perfect little celebration at home with my favorite people. I'll take a weeknight birthday anytime!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to go see Gaffigan too!!! and looking forward to your bday celebrations this weekend as well :-)
