
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Easy Food

Another busy day! I had back to back meetings all day long today, but busy days are great since they go by fast. I got home pretty late tonight and can't wait to curl up on the couch and relax with the fam, but first let's run through some of the goodies since last night.

Busy work days call for easy evening meals. We usually keep some Morningstar treats in the freezer for busy days, and last night we broke into our stash for the vegetarian BBQ "riblets." Sounds gross, tastes delicious. The barbecue sauce was nice and sweet, and we topped them with caramelized onions we sauteed with just cooking spray and salt. Stuffed into a soft potato bun, these were delish! We ate them alongside some steamed green beans.

Followed up with a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. :)


Breakfast this morning was some plain Greek yogurt with warm pears and cinnamon. Mmmm.

When we went grocery shopping this weekend, we snagged a package of pears that were on their last legs for a bargain - only $1.50 for five pears! They needed to be used up right away, so last night we  cooked them down with some cinnamon and nutmeg. Matt ate some for dessert last night, and I warmed mine up for breakfast this morning. Great breakfast for a rainy day.

Up next - warm quinoa salad I prepped on Sunday with veggie sticks on the side. Looks familiar right? It's the exact same lunch I had yesterday. I don't mind repeats when they're tasty!

We didn't get around to making dinner tonight until after 8:30 since I got home late, so I was easily convinced when Matt suggested something comforting and veggie-free. Grilled peanut butter & banana sandwiches! Hey, sometimes it's okay to skip your veg. ;-)

Matt made these while I sat on the couch paying bills (I totally forgot that it's already the first of the month - what??), and when I bit into it I was greeted with a surprise. He spread a little fluff on one side of the sandwich. Apparently we had some left in the cabinet from making Rice Krispy treats a long time ago. I'm not a marshmallow person, but pb & fluff? Oh yeah.

And with that, I'm off to relax with Matt, Butters and Tosh.0 before jumping into bed. Have a good night!

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