
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Citrus Salmon and Baby Playdates

Today marks the end of my lovely 4-day mini vacation. I'm so glad I took the extra day off work yesterday to spend some time with Riker and get caught up around the house (and on sleep!) before jumping back into the work week.

It also felt good to start eating healthy, veggie-packed meals again after being away. When I got home from the airport Sunday night, I was in the mood for a giant salad for dinner since I'd eaten so many rich foods all weekend, so while I fed the baby Matt started chopping vegetables for a citrus salmon salad.

The salad was packed with romaine lettuce, red, yellow and orange peppers, celery, broccoli and chopped oranges. We topped our salads with citrus seared salmon (which we crusted with orange zest and salt & pepper), then tossed the whole thing with a homemade citrus vinaigrette. Talk about a refreshing summer salad! 

I ended up eating the same thing for lunch again yesterday, but with a smaller piece of salmon and the addition of a few wasabi almonds and crumbled blue cheese. I was on quite the veggie kick, so I also chopped up the rest of the celery and red, yellow & orange peppers to snack on today.

So colorful!

I was actually stuck at home most of the day yesterday because Matt accidentally took my keys with him to work, but when he got home in the afternoon we finally got a chance to go to my friend Heather's house for a little playdate, and so I could finally meet her new baby, Avery. She couldn't have visitors when she was first born, and I was sick all last week and didn't want to spread my germs around her, so I've been waiting anxiously to see her.

She is so unbelievably tiny! She was only 5 pounds, 3 oz. when she born two weeks ago, and she's still a little peanut. Her newborn clothes were swimming on her, and she looked like a little doll. A sweet, snuggly little doll. :)

Heather's other daughter, Delia is almost 2 and she's the cutest. She talks up a storm now and likes to hold the babies. I held Avery and Delia held Riker. ;-) Next to Avery, though, Riker looks like a giant!

It's hard to believe there are now three kids among us. Heather and I were roommates in college (and Matt her husband Kevin were also roommates and have been best friends since they were little kids), so it's funny to think back about our college days and early 20s and compare them to where we are now. It's been really fun to move into this next chapter of life all together. 

We got back home around dinnertime, and it was pouring rain and chilly out so we had one thing on our minds - breakfast for dinner! More on that later. ;-)

Time to get my work on!

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