
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Planet-Friendly Protein

We arrived back in town last night around 7:30 and headed straight to Matt's parents' house to pick up Butters. They were kind enough to watch him for a few days while we were away, which is great for us and a big treat for Butters. He loves going on vacation as much as we do! wlEmoticon-winkingsmile34.png

If watching Butters wasn't enough, they also had dinner waiting for us when we arrived. Can't say I'd ever turn down a home cooked dinner after a long drive!

I had a piece of citrus salmon (this was really good - his mom crusted the salmon with orange and lemon zest before baking it), fresh green beans, broccoli and a small serving of herbed potatoes. A flavorful meal packed with veggies and protein!


It's always fun to go away, but after being away from home and out of a routine for a few days, I'm always grateful to get back to my normal eating schedule. On that note, I decided to start things off this morning with some whole grains and lean protein in the form of toast and a smoothie.

For the whole grain part, I topped a slice of 12-grain toast with some Polaner All Fruit blackberry jam. I find it nearly impossible to not take a bite of toast immediately after I spread on the jam, before I even put the jar away. I simply can't wait until I sit down at the table. Do any of you do this, or am I the only toast freak out there?

On the side I had a chocolate banana smoothie.

In the mix:
Cold, creamy and delicious!

After breakfast I was supposed to take Riker to a doctor's appointment, but as I was lugging everything out to the car I realized Matt accidentally took my keys with him when he left for north Jersey this morning to go fishing. Argh. I'm stuck at home for the day now, which means I have no excuse not to unpack and clean up the house. I'll probably end up procrastinating on Pinterest for a while though, let's be honest.

Before I sign off for the morning, here's your Thursday Earth Day tip:

Earth Day Tip #4 (courtesy of Live Right magazine): Eat planet-friendly protein. If you frequently eat meat entrees, which carry a large carbon footprint, choose one night a week to go meat-free. Try recipes featuring hearty, sustainable plant proteins like beans, quinoa, and soy.

If you're interested in trying this tip, check out the recipes page for some meat-free meal ideas! And if you have any recipes you love using beans, quinoa or soy, please share them in the comments section!


  1. I have a delicious bean salad recipe! It's great to eat by itself, or throw it over some greans for a yummy salad, or even serve with tortilla chips as a dip. I've made it for parties and BBQ's as well as my own lunches and it's always a hit!

    3 Bean Salad:
    1 can cannellini beans
    1 can red kidney beans
    1 can chick peas
    1 cup frozen corn (defrosted)
    1/2 large red onion, chopped finely
    2 celery stalks, chopped finely
    2 sprigs fresh rosemary, chopped finely
    1/4 cup olive olive
    1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
    Sea salt and pepper
    Cayenne pepper to taste

    Mix the oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and cayenne together in a bowl first. Put all other ingredients in a large bowl and then drizzle the dressing over it and mix well. It's best when you refrigerate it for an hour before eating. Sometimes I mix up the beans and use black beans instead or really any other kind of bean that you like!

    1. That sounds really good! Thanks for sharing it, I'll definitely try it out!

  2. The one thing I forgot in this recipe is the 1/4 cup of sugar, it really adds to the dressing and gives it a nice sweetness. The original recipe I found called for 1/2 cup of sugar but I reduced that to 1/4 cup and that was perfect.
