
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Picnic at the Reservoir

Today has been filled with lots of outdoor activities and cooking - two of my favorite things!

Around late morning today, we met up with Matt's parents and MomMom and headed up to the Manasquan Reservoir. On our way, I munched on some grapes and a new Kashi mocha almond granola bar I picked up. Surprisingly, it tasted almost exactly like the mocha coconut granola I made a while ago!

Pay no attention to the badly chipped nail polish. Yikes.

When we got to the reservoir, MomMom hung out at the lodge and read a book while the rest of us completed a 5 mile loop on the walking trails. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day.

After our walk, we had a picnic lunch at the lodge where we could enjoy the sunshine and a great view of the water. I packed salads for me and Matt, which included lots of romaine lettuce, carrots, celery, radishes, cherry tomatoes, green peppers, broccoli and about 1 oz. of cubed muenster cheese. I topped mine with a Gardenburger and Matt's with some grilled chicken, and then tossed them both with some balsamic vinegar I packed.

I also packed some Wasa light crackers and homemade hummus. Great lunch for a picnic!

After a few hours at the park, everyone headed back to our place because we had quite the afternoon activity planned...tamale making!

More on these babies tomorrow!

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