
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lobster Bust

Dinner last night was kind of a bust. A few days ago I picked up some lobster claws at the grocery store since they were on sale (only $6 for 5 claws!), and the claws are my favorite part anyway. I figured I'd combine them with some other seafood and make a paella one night. Since it was so hot yesterday, though, and since I'm slightly obsessed with oranges right now, I changed my plan and decided to make a lobster, avocado and orange salad. I was so excited for this.

I got my claws into the steamer and started prepping the other veggies, which included a whole bunch of arugula, one sliced avocado and the segments of two sweet, delicious oranges.

Everything was moving along fine until I started pulling the meat from the lobster claws. First, some of the claws were practically empty. As in, not one thing to pull out. How does that happen? Then some of the meat was gray. Gray lobster? No thanks. And finally, some of it seemed a little leathery. There was definitely not enough for two salads, and I really didn't want to eat it anyway.

So many claws, so little lobster! I guess that's what you get for $6. At this point it was already 7:30 and we were getting to the point of eating our arms off, so I had to turn to the freezer for a quick fix. Chik patties, you never fail me.

I cooked up some Boca spicy chik'n patties in the toaster oven and served them on Arnold's flax seed sandwich thins with a little smashed avocado. On the side, we had mini arugula-orange salads topped with the remaining avocado. For dressing, I squeezed fresh orange juice on top, which was so good! Matt wasn't afraid to eat the weird lobster, so he piled the stuff on top of his salad for some extra protein.

Not bad for a quick fix!


This morning I was really in the mood for an English muffin, so I went with it. I toasted up a light English muffin (love these, they're only 100 calories and they're still full of nooks and crannies) and topped one half with a little natural peanut butter, and the other half with some Polaner All Fruit apricot jam. On the side I had a strawberry yogurt smoothie.

The smoothie was super simple. I just combined a 6 oz. cup of plain Greek yogurt with 1 cup of chopped strawberries and a sprinkle of stevia. I also added a little water to get things moving in the blender. Love that pink color!

After breakfast digested, I got started on my workout. Today I went with a cardio circuit I pinned a few days ago. I did the circuit twice for a 45 minute workout. I liked this one; it got me nice and sweaty but went by quickly.

Time to get back to that work thang!


  1. I love lobster but here in greece is quite expensive! The patties and the salad are a very delicious and healthy meal!

    1. It is usually pricey in NJ as well, but sometimes we get lucky and it goes on sale so I always take advantage when it does :-) I have always wanted to travel to Greece, the pictures look gorgeous!
