
Friday, April 27, 2012

Husband of the Year

Hello, friends! It's been 4 longs days since I've had a chance to post, and I have a lot to share with you. I'm back to working in the city full time, and I'm still trying to get a handle on my new schedule. I actually started a new job on Monday, and while I certainly had my share of anxiety starting with a new firm after five years with my last company, it's actually been really fun getting to know my new coworkers and learning the culture of a whole new place. So far, I love it! I miss my little Riker a lot, but once I'm up to speed in my new role I'll have a more flexible schedule and will be able to be home earlier in the evenings to see him.

In the meantime, Matt is earning the Husband of the Year Award. He cooks, cleans, does the laundry, washes the bottles, takes care of Riker and does the daycare drop-off and pick-up. All after working an 8 hour day. Seriously, I am so thankful for him. Here's a peek at some of his creations and what we've been up to this week!

Breakfast for dinner! Sweet grits, vegetarian "sausage" (it looks kind of gross, but is really tasty), and toast with homemade orange marmalade.

Kashi Go Lean toasted oats and a chocolate banana smoothie = my breakfast of choice this week. I like this because it's an easy breakfast before I have to run out the door at 6:00. The night before, I put the cereal in the bowl and the protein powder in the Magic Bullet, so they're both ready to go the next morning.

Low-cal coconut shrimp with coconut mango rice. Ooooh yeah. This was delicious. We make our coconut shrimp by mixing half Fiber One cereal (crushed up) and half unsweetened coconut flakes together, then coating the shrimp and baking them in the oven. The idea was inspired by a Hungry Girl recipe I read years ago. The mango were super sweet and tender, and melted right into the rice.

One reason I love working in the city? Hale & Hearty! They have the best chopped salads. I ordered my lunch time fix filled with veggies: lettuce, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, sundried tomatoes, edamame, chic peas and fresh mozzarella with fat free balsamic dressing. This is a salad that keep you full for hours.

That looks like a smoothie, doesn't it? It's actually homemade baby food! Riker is eating cereal and fruit now, so I want to make my own food for him rather than buying the jarred stuff. This week he's eating bananas, so I blended up a bunch of frozen 'nanas with a little water and packed the puree into baby food containers for the week. Easy! And tasty, I might add. I actually think I'd eat this for dessert - it tasted like banana sorbet.

Another salad - this one for dinner. Matt made big bowls of salad one night to use up a bunch of veggies we had in the crisper. He topped them with some chopped up Boca Burgers and then tossed them in a homemade dressing we're trying to recreate based on a Hollyhock dressing we had in Vermont. It was pretty good, but nowhere near the real deal. Gotta keep working on this one 'til we get it right.

Enchiladas! Need I say more? These babies were both healthy and full of cheesy satisfaction. The recipe is coming your way tomorrow. :)

How was your week?


  1. oh my god, that coconut shrimp and mango rice looks sooo good! I saw that recipe in HG a few months ago but never tried it, yours looks way better though! I'll have to give that a try :-) and tell Matt to keep up the good work!

    1. The coconut shrimp is sooo good, you have to try it!
