
Monday, March 19, 2012

Throwback Lunch

Happy Monday! If you haven't had a chance to get outside yet today, take a five minute break from whatever you're doing and step out into this glorious weather. From our little corner of Jersey, all you can see is blue skies and sunshine. Love it!

I knew I wanted to get outside first thing this morning, but breakfast had to be eaten first of course. This morning I had an everything Thomas' bagel thin topped with a little whipped cream cheese; on the side I enjoyed a cup of plain Greek yogurt with fresh strawberries.

After breakfast, my little troop headed out to a park for some exercise in the sun. The park we went to is filled with really steep hills, so I stuck to walking; pushing a 30 pound stroller up and down those inclines got my heart rate going and it ended up being a pretty good little workout!

In case you were wondering, this is not one of the hills! ;-)
After completing 4.5 miles, we sat under a tree for some post-walk snacks. Milk for Riker, Golden Delicious apple and granola for me, doggie treats and my crumbs for Butters. We even saw a local high school marching band go by - they were pretty good!

By the time we got home, I was starving. We had some pizza fixings leftover from Friday's dinner, so I figured an English muffin pizza would make a good, quick lunch. Such a throwback from my high school days! I used to eat these all the time after school.

I topped a light English muffin with tomato sauce, an ounce of low fat mozzarella cheese, some olives and a few mushrooms, then threw it in the toaster oven to brown up. On the side I had a handful of baby carrots.

It is way too nice out to stay inside, so I'm heading outdoors to work on my to-do list on the lawn. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

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