
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Vegetarian chicken & 'shrooms was on the menu tonight! Since I'm a pescatarian (a fancy way of saying I eat seafood but no other meats), Matt came up with this dish for me a few years ago and we usually have it every few weeks during the cold months. He just tops chik patties with homemade mushroom gravy (sauteed mushrooms + veggie broth + cornstarch) and provolone cheese, then pops it under the broiler until it's melted. We didn't have any provolone on hand tonight, so he used mozzarella cheese instead.

On the side we had butternut squash and roasted Brussels sprouts. I wanted to try something different on the sprouts tonight and thought my favorite balsamic vinegar would be great with them. I simply trimmed them, tossed them with a little olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt, pepper and garlic powder, then roasted them at 400 degrees for a half hour. Caramelized and delicious!

Don't mind the black Brussels sprouts, that's just the vinegar ;)
And now for some motivational talk! Today was a challenging day in the world of motherhood. Riker had a hard time sleeping, was overtired and cried nearly all day long. At one point I thought I was going to pull my hair out and cry myself, but then I remembered a quote my friend Heather passed on to me a few months ago: "Always be thankful, even when things seem crazy." This quote has helped me on plenty of days when life seemed like a whirlwind and things were stressful, whether from parenting, work, family or anything else in life. So whatever you have going on in your life today, hopefully that little quote will help you too. Happy Emoticons

Enjoy your evening!

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