
Monday, March 12, 2012

Living Room Leg Workout

This morning I woke up ready to get back into the weekday routine.

After a weekend of rich desserts, Shamrock Shakes and French toast, I was in the mood for a simple bowl of cereal for breakfast. Kashi Go Lean Original with dried cranberries and skim milk sounded perfect.

I realized this morning that we are all out of creamer, and I just can't bear to drink my coffee with skim milk - I cut corners where I can, but I draw the line at gray-colored coffee. Instead, I had a cup of Yunnan tea from the Vermont Liberty Tea Company with a little almond milk. It hit the spot!

After breakfast I put together a workout focusing on my leg muscles, since I haven't worked them much over the last week. Since I obviously don't have any gym machines at home, I incorporated a lot of squats and lunges. It looked like this:

This little circuit went by quickly, and the one legged calf raises and wall sits are no joke! It's shaping up to be another beautiful day, so I followed it up with a light jog outside and some ab work.

 Time to get started on the old to-do list. Free Avatars

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