
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lazy Saturday

Today has been such a great day so far. Both lazy and productive. Perfect combo!

After making our pancakes this morning, Matt and I decided to finish watching a movie we started last night but were too tired to finish. Watching a movie on a Saturday morning feels so wonderfully lazy. I love it! Around noon, I had plans to meet up with some of my best girlfriends for lunch at an Italian bistro called Artisan’s.  We hadn’t all seen each other in a while, so it was really fun to chat and catch up.

Cathleen and Heather, who is nearly 8 months pregnant – doesn’t she look great?

…and me and Lindsay J

For lunch I opted for the Goat Cheese Salad, which had mesclun greens, roasted tomatoes, carrots, pistachios and goat cheese with a Cabernet vinaigrette. It was delicious!

After lunch I had to pick up some things for a little get together we’re going to tonight with some friends from college.  One errand took me to the liquor store to pick up a bottle of wine, and of course I grabbed a new Dogfish Head beer that was on display while I was there. I can never resist a new DFH brew!

The beer, Saison du Buff, is brewed with parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Matt and I split the bottle while I was cooking yesterday afternoon, and it was really good. It was light and refreshing, and had a nice lemon and herb flavor. I could actually smell the thyme while I was drinking it.

Speaking of lemons and herbs, while I was sipping on my beer I made these little gems for tonight’s gathering:

Crab and avocado crostinis...this is definitely my new favorite appetizer. Recipe coming your way tomorrow!

After I made the appetizers, Riker was sleepy but wanted nothing to do with his crib, so I decided to just hold the little guy while he slept, which gave me a great excuse to finish reading The Help.  I never get to read during the day…a movie AND a book on one Saturday? Awesome. The book was great – I highly recommend it if you haven’t read it yet!

Now we’re off to north Jersey for the night. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

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