
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Full Body Toning Circuit

This morning's workout was a good one! I woke up well before my alarm clock this morning and could not get back to sleep, so after staring at the glowing numbers for about an hour I finally decided to just get up and get a head start on the day. But before working out, breakfast had to be eaten first. I am not one of those people who can jump out of bed and immediately start exercising. Gotta fuel up first! Winking smile

The whole time I was lying awake in bed I was craving my new cereal, so I made it happen for breafkast. Kashi Island Vanilla mini wheats with a banana and skim milk, yum!

For my workout, I was in the mood to do a little of everything. After perusing all the different routines in my exercise folder, I put together a full body circuit that looked like this:

I liked this circuit because I was able to keep my heart rate up without getting bored. If you're not sure about how to do some of the exercises, here are a few links that might be helpful:

How to do:
Running Rows
Swimmer's Press
Ab Roll-Ups
Plank Lunge Row
Three Way Lunges

It's supposed to be another beautiful day in the neighborhood, so after getting some stuff done I plan to take Riker and Butters on a nice long nature walk as well. They always seem to be good for all three of us. Smile

Happy Hump Day!

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