
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Feeling Green

Yesterday my meals went a little off track. The day started out fine, but by the time lunch rolled around I was knee deep in orange peels and didn't want to take the time to stop and make something. So instead, we grabbed a frozen pizza from the grocery store during a run for more oranges, which I snacked on while I was working on my marmalade. By dinnertime, the kitchen looked like a cyclone had hit it and neither Matt or I were in the mood to cook, so we hopped in the car and headed to a new Mexican restaurant we've been wanting to try.

After devouring a basket of chips and salsa (we declined a second basket, thank goodness), I had a grilled shrimp and lump crab burrito with spinach, avocado and cheese. I only ate half the burrito, which meant there was room for dessert ;-)

We shared a cheesecake chimichanga topped with caramel, chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream. And then I capped off the night with a blueberry martini and a couple of Blue Moon beers at a little engagement party we attended for two of our friends who recently got engaged.

Needless to say, after a day devoid of fruits and vegetables, I woke up this morning feeling a little green. I decided to jump start the day with a good breakfast and a sweaty workout. For breakfast, I made parfaits with fresh blueberries, strawberries and bananas topped with plain, nonfat Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey. On the side I had a slice of whole wheat rye toast with a smear of my homemade marmalade (recipe to come!). Yum!

To get my heart rate pumping, I figured a P90X workout would be the best bet. I popped in the Kenpo X video, which is basically a cardio kickboxing routine. It's not very challenging, but it's fun and keeps you moving constantly. It's a good one!

Now we're off to run errands and cross some things off the to-do list before lunchtime. I'm thinking a salad is in order for both lunch AND dinner tonight ;-)


  1. what mexican place did you go to? we're always looking for new places to go for dinner

    1. We went to Tenampa in Forked River...not too new, but we've been wanting to try it. The food was decent and they had live music, but the service was terrible unfortunately. And at one point, the manager started screaming at an employee for a good 3 minutes and the whole dining room got really quiet and awkward. Not sure if we'll go back!

    2. that stinks! have you been to the Tenampa in TR across from Home Depot? there's also one in Manahawkin. i'm pretty sure they are all owned by the same people. your shrimp and crab burrito reminded me of that place...that's why i asked :)

    3. Yep, the one in TR is better I think :) The atmosphere at the one in Forked River is a little nicer I think, which is why we wanted to try it, but the service is definitely better in TR
