
Friday, March 9, 2012

Books, "Burgers" and Beers

I had a bunch of errands to run today, and while I was out I decided to make a quick stop at the library to pick up a book. I love to read, but haven't had the time to read a book in a while; one of my goals for the year was to read three books, so Matt and I decided to start spending at least 15 minutes reading in bed each night before we turn out the lights. I think it will be a relaxing little routine that we'll look forward to. He's reading a Harlan Coben mystery, and I'm reading this:

The Help! It’s been on my list for a while, so I’m excited to get started.
I had a late lunch today, but it was good and quick. A Morningstar Farms classic veggie burger on a toasted Arnold sandwich thin with a little ketchup and Dijon mustard. On the side I had some cauliflower with Adobo seasoning.

I have this lunch a lot when I’m working from home (and actually when I go into the office as well) because it’s a good warm meal but is so fast to make – I just throw the veggie burger in the toaster oven and some frozen veggies in the microwave. Normally I’d spread a Laughing Cow on the bun for some extra protein, but I had already snacked on a string cheese while my meal cooked.

Well it’s Friday afternoon and sunny, which means Happy Hour in the Baratta Bar.
We’re sipping on some Dogfish Head Miles Davis brew while finishing off our to-do list for the afternoon. We’ve wanted to try this beer forever; it sells out really quickly in New Jersey, but we were able to snag a few bottles in Vermont last month. It’s just as good as we had hoped.
Later we're headed out on a double date to a restaurant we've been wanting to check out. The food is supposed to be great, so I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy your Friday night!

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