
Thursday, March 15, 2012

All Good Things

This afternoon was full of good things around here.

First things first: Riker rolled over for the first time today! Sadly I missed the big event, but I'm excited he has reached his first real milestone. He's really proud of himself, too. Winking Emoticons

The reason I missed the rollover was because I was out getting pampered. Free Emoticons 

I'm a firm believer in taking time for yourself on a regular basis, even (or especially!) as a parent. Matt and I often try to take turns giving each other a little time to recharge and do the things we love, and today was my turn to head out for a few hours to get a few things done for myself.

First stop: To the salon for hair and eyebrows.

I have bangs again! Whenever I get a new haircut I feel like I should be going out on the town. Staying at home feels like a waste of a good hair day to me. Anyone else?

Second stop: Manicure! I traded in my winter Berry Hard for a more spring-y color.

Third stop: Picking up some goodies for some Irish treats I'm making tomorrow...oh yes.

And when I got home, I was greeted by this:

Matt made homemade coconut rice pudding, and it was I'm not usually a rice pudding fan, but this was so good. I'll definitely share the recipe soon!

Hard as it was, I resisted digging into dessert before we ate some real food. Dinner tonight was a breeze thanks to some zucchini parmesan we had in the freezer. My sister actually made us a few of these casseroles a while ago, and tonight we polished off the last of them.

To make the casseroles, she just cooked some zucchini and crushed tomatoes together with garlic, onions and basil; then she layered the veggies up with a little mozzarella cheese. Tonight I heated them up and piled them onto some rigatoni.

These were so perfect for a quick, veggie-packed dinner.

Now I'm off to watch last night's episode of Restaurant Impossible - gotta get my Chef Robert fix! Happy Emoticons


  1. Yay for Riker!!!! I cannot get enough of him!
    And LOVE the haircut.....I feel like I should be seeing you since it happens like that every time! Also exciting about the web address change!! You are moving up in the blog world!

    1. I was totally thinking of you when I was getting it cut! I'm pretty sure this is the first time ever that I didn't see you in person immediately after lol ;-)
